Investment Readiness Grants

  • Investment Readiness grants provide funding to start-up and early-stage enterprises that may not be quite ready for private investment.
  • Investment Readiness grants are for those companies that can demonstrate business promise and strong company management, but may need to improve certain aspects of their businesses before investors will consider investing.
  • Grant funding of up to USD$25,000 will be available for specific activities that can be executed within a short time frame (3-6 months) that improve the prospects for investment.
  • Investment Readiness grants will be provided to entrepreneurs on the basis of an assessment of the ability of the enterprise to hit key business milestones in the near-term that increase potential for investment.

Eligibility Criteria

Please download the IR Grant overview and eligibility criteria below.

Download the LINK Caribbean IR Grant Eligibility Criteria here

To get in front of investors and be considered for an investment readiness grant join the Caribbean Angel Investor Network (CBAN).*


*No further investment readiness grants are being awarded.  However, please continue to join the CBAN to get in front of investors.